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2017 News and Updates

Updated: Jul 12, 2018

It’s been awhile since I’ve had time to post here! Having a busy practice and a busy toddler will do that, eh?

January 28th, 2017 starts the Chinese lunar year of the Fire Rooster. It will be a year to focus your intentions and move forward on any projects or goals. Dedication, perseverance, and determination are all important Rooster traits!

I am alert Ready to take action The first on the scene The last to leave I take chances But I am precise I know where things belong I am orderly and fastidious Nothing escapes me I am always prepared I never give up or in I AM THE ROOSTER

Here at the office, we are no strangers to taking action! 2017 will be a very busy year for Sustaining Health Acupuncture. As many of you know, we have welcomed our newest acupuncturist, Jordan Burk, with open arms. He brings a wonderfully positive energy to the practice and helps balance out the yin Natasha and I carry. Jordan will be seeing patients Tuesday through Saturday. Starting in February, all new patients will be scheduled with Jordan so as not to interrupt continuity of care while I am on maternity leave.

As for updates on myself, baby boy #2 is due to arrive on 3/29/17. My goal is to work up until my due date, but everyone knows babies sometimes have their own plans. I will be in close contact with everyone scheduled in March to let them know if anything changes. In addition, I am now a doctoral candidate! I began classes toward my Doctor of Acupuncture degree in January 2017, with an expected completion date of May 2018. I will be taking to heart the advice I give many of you about balance as I learn to navigate these next several busy months!

As always, please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions, concerns, or comments. No matter how busy we get, we are never too busy to communicate with you. After all, you are the reason we do what we do!


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